dining room painting
house exterior painting

Skilled Interior & Exterior Painting in Western New York

Find the painting contractors you need in Western New York. Work with the experienced crew at New Me Remodel. You can trust that we will handle your home with care, giving you topnotch results.

About Our Painting Work

Interior painting is a beautiful and inexpensive way to add joy and value to your home.  Quality interior painting is an important consideration to any home owner.  

Exterior paint is just as important if not more so. The protection of your property and valuables is our top priority.
All of our painting projects are taped, tarped, scraped, primed and painted with 2 coats of premium paint.

Contact Us Today to Get a Free Quote

When you're looking for a Painting Company in WNY Near Me Painting crew will get the job done right.

house exterior painting
interior living room painting